RMS/DeskTop Feature List

DeskTop File System

  • Stored Objects Database
  • Compressed & Encrypted
  • Advanced “Data Blocking” technology
  • Catalog List Selection “Explorer”
  • MS Access or SQL Server

DeskTop Viewer

  • View any-size report
  • View Multiple reports
  • Change Fonts & Size
  • Toolbar Icons
  • Report Title Heading
  • Page Number ID
  • Select Area for COPY
  • SEARCH (Text, Index, Date, Next, Previous)
  • GO TO Page XXX
  • Green Bar On/Off
  • Forms Overlay
  • Annotations (Public or Private “Sticky Notes”, Highlights, Bookmarks)
  • Extraction
  • Change Colors
  • Column Rearrange
  • Print
  • Go to Index Table
  • Page Advance (Next, End, Top, Prior)
  • Export

DeskTop Explorer

  • Hierarchy Tree (Expand & Compress Multiple Systems)
  • Version Support
  • Report ID Information
  • Report Name
  • Report Description
  • Business Date
  • Business Time
  • # Pages in Report
  • # Lines in Report
  • Import Date
  • Import Time
  • Last Access Date
  • # of Times Accessed
  • Custom Entered User Information
  • Flat-View Search
  • Print
  • Sort
  • Import
  • Export
  • Extraction (Multiple reports, Cross-Index Extraction)

Index Tables

  • Sort Ascending & Descending
  • Sort Expression
  • Column Calculate
  • Filter Expression
  • Search
  • Boolean Search
  • Column Rearrange
  • Print
  • Export
  • Hyperlink to Report
  • Column Hide
  • COPY
  • Multiple Indexes

DeskTop Importer

  • Moves Reports from Import Directory Inbox
  • Converts to DFS file
  • Data Block, Compressed
  • Builds Index keys, tables, related info
  • Builds Explorer catalog
  • Builds Index Field Table per Extraction Definitions
  • Ages, Purges, Manages
  • Stages for Archiving
  • NT Service