iDovos: Commerce Benefits – Transaction Processors

Protecting your identity should be as easy as flipping a switch…

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Now it is that easy

The iDovos® ID fraud prevention system, developed by Mantissa Corporation, protects identity by giving you pinpoint control over when and how your identity is used. Credit and debit cards, bank and brokerage accounts, personal credit, and even identification numbers and official documentation can all be protected with the ease and simplicity of “flipping a switch.”


Credit/Debit Transaction Processor Interface Overview

Reduce fraud loss, make your service offering more attractive, generate significant recurring revenue, and get ready for accolades from card issuers and their customers.

Give customers the keys; it’s their turn to drive.

It’s human nature to want to chart your own course; everyone wants to be in charge of their own destiny. Unfortunately, control is no longer the norm when it comes to identity. ID theft and ID fraud are growing at an unprecedented rate. Especially hard hit, the U.S. economy has suffered billions of dollars in damage. Estimates indicate that ID theft and fraud will exceed the value of the illegal drug trade.

iDovos began as a simple idea in response to the question “If I own my identity why can’t I control how it is used?”. The answer, of course, is that you can.

We invite you to join the revolution in personal identity management.

                                                                                              The iDovos Team

iDovos™ is an ID theft/fraud prevention service that employs a patent pending technology called Positive Identity Control™ (PIC).

PIC is unique in that it gives the individual control over use of their identity and identity assets. PIC answers the following question for every transaction which relies on identity use:

Has the identity owner given consent for their identity to be used at this point in time and for this specific identity asset?

PIC Implementation Requirements

Complex systems employed by these firms authorize thousands of transactions each second of the day. These systems currently focus primarily on transaction viability (is there possible fraudulent activity?) and conformity (is the transaction within the financial limits of the card issuer and card account? ).

Positive identity control requires extending this process to determine the intent of the individual relative to use of their identity for each transaction. If identity use is not permitted at a specific point in time for a specific identity asset (a card account in this case), the transaction should be denied without further evaluation. Otherwise, the authorization process proceeds in a normal manner. You can view PIC processing as the equivalent of a high-level hot card file that indicates that the card is ON or OFF.

Transaction processors must be capable of performing asset registration, PIC account differentiation, and ID state determination tasks in support of Positive Identity Control:

  1. Asset Registration:  Asset registration requires storage of an account-level identity asset token. Tokens are unique externally generated values created by the iDovos service. Tokens provide a means of communicating identity state information about an account without disclosing use-enabling information. Assets may be registered by a subscription agent during the iDovos account activation process or individually upon the request of the identity asset holder (the card processor). In the subscription form of registration process, the iDovos account is created and all assets are registered in a single automated process. Card processors may be subscription agents.
  2. PIC Account Differentiation:  Authorization systems must be able to determine if an account is subject to Positive Identity Control. Step 1 (Asset registration) would have created an account-level field indicating the card account is subject to Positive Identity Control restrictions.
  3. ID Use State Determination:  If the account is PIC-enabled, the authorization system determines the identity state for each transaction. Only two states exist; ON and OFF.

For low-volume authorization systems, this determination can be made by issuing a query in the form of a web services transaction executed against the iDovos site.

For high volume systems, a local database can be accessed to determine identity use state. These local database tables are updated by iDovos at each processor site. Each time the (identity use) state of a card account changes, the resultant state is updated in the table located at the processor site.

iDovos and the Identity Owner experience

Your customers control their identity assets (personal credit and card accounts) using an advanced Web 2.0 interface and/or a touchtone phone. Identity assets can be set on autopilot so that daily management is not required. Assets can be set to run on specific schedules or simply left off until needed. When a card is turned on, it can use the “egg-timer” capability. The card “expires” and becomes useless again after the designated period of time. Use-enabling information such as card account and social security numbers is NEVER stored or transmitted by iDovos.

Your Revenue Growth

Offering iDovos to your customer base is not just forward leaning in the battle against identity theft. If your company is the primary subscriber for iDovos accounts, substantial recurring revenue can be generated from subscription fees. If you do not subscribe the account but offer PIC protection to the cardholder, the resulting transaction fees can also be substantial. If you process for multiple card issuers, iDovos can help you attract new customers and build stronger relationships with existing customers. Contact your iDovos representative for complete details.